Brain Tap & Oasis Chair

Whether you want to overcome stress eating or conquer a bad habit, instill a positive mindset, advance your career, master your sport, enhance your learning, get your body super fit, or simply regain the health you deserve, the BrainTap headset creates the enhanced brain states that will get you there faster and with less effort. The BrainTap Pro audio does the meditation for you.  You can even fall asleep while using the app, and still reap the benefits. You simply relax in the Oasis chair,  slip on the BrainTap headset close your eyes and relax.  You’ll enjoy a braintapping session that is strategically encoded to take you way beyond what any power nap alone ever could.  The Oasis Chair is a Sound and Vibrational experience that leads to deep relaxation within minutes so you can recalibrate and be rejuvenated. This is called  “The Relaxation Effect”, when this occurs, the brain releases chemicals and signals which make your muscles and organs slow down–all while increasing blood flow to the brain. For more info –